The Reality Choice

Jan 3, 2021    Pastor Brian Long

One of the games that really stressed me out was Whack-a-Mole. Does anybody remember this game? Whack-a-Mole. In Whack-a-Mole these moles pop up out of holes. You take a rubber club, and you try to knock the moles back down. As soon as you slam one down, what happens? Another one comes up. Then you slam that one down and two come up. You slam that one down and three come up. It goes on and on and on. Okay…Big deep cleansing breath. ☺

And here’s the thing…there’s no winning this game. No matter how many you slam down they keep coming back up. And pretty soon it’s game over…or you just give up and walk away.

Friends, Whack-a-Mole is a metaphor for your life. Just about the time you've got one problem whacked down, what happens? Another problem pops up. And you whack that one down and two more come up. You whack that one down and three more come up. That is life. Whack-a-Mole.