What is Lordship?

Jan 5, 2014    Pastor Brian Long

As we turn the corner on a New Year it's the perfect time to give thought to our ways-give thought to our lives, our habits, to our understanding and our ways of doing things. If Christmas is the season of giving...The New Year is the season of reflection and resolutions.

This morning I am beginning a four part series I'm calling the Lordship Resolution. I'm not sure what types of resolutions you are making this year, if any, but if you are a Christian, one resolution you need to consider making or refreshing is the Lordship Resolution.

I hope that you can make a special effort to stay tuned to all four of the messages on this subject because the Lordship of Jesus impacts every area of your life; your personal life, your business life and your church life. It affects everything from how we manage our relationships to how we manage our time and even our money. The reality is every resolution you make is in one way or another tied to the Lordship Resolution.

Today as we begin this series I want to deal with the question "What is Lordship and why do we need it?"