God's Plan: The Church
Seven Truths
All People have knowledge of God.
All People reject God:
All people, including you and me, and the man in the African bush… we have an inherently sinful nature that distorts and plagues our minds and the idolatry that plagues our hearts.
All people are Guilty before God:
All people regardless, of religious, cultural, or ethnic background, stand guilty before God.
You can’t earn salvation:
God has made a way of salvation for the lost
Is there anywhere in this plan that it can break down? Yes… As David Platte says “ There is only one potential breakdown in this progression when the servants of God do not preach the gospel to all peoples.” You believer… are God’s plan. I am God’s plan… We are God’s plan… The Church is God’s plan!!! There is no other plan for bringing the gospel message to all peoples. As Christ stated to the Church before he ascended,