January 29th // Update

Jan 29, 2021    Pastor Brian Long

Reminder for all Young Adults - YA has moved to Thursdays in the chapel/shed. Be on the lookout for details on YA Life Groups coming soon.

Children: Sunday nursery and kids’ classes are still in need of several more volunteers to serve once a month during either the 9:30 or 11am service.

Foothills Shepherds provides buddies to children with special needs so their parents can attend service knowing their child is be loved and cared for. This ministry is in great need of volunteers. Please contact Karri at karri@foothillscp.org.

Sunday Gathering this week: This Sunday, Pastor Sam will be leading us in another step in our Life’s Healing Choices series—the transformation choice….submitting to the changes God is calling us to in our lives. Reminder -This is a 5th Sunday. Nursery is open for babies. Kids join parents in service.