Empowerment for the Jesus Life

Apr 15, 2018    Pastor Sam Parsons

Have you ever wondered what these early Post-Easter Christians thought and felt as they began to get their arms around the reality that Jesus was, in fact, alive? Now they had the challenge of being the first ones to live out the Jesus Life, just as he taught them. What should they do? What did they do? The kids in the Easter video we played asked at the end, “Now what?” The book of Acts gives us the answers to these types of questions. It helps us to see what some of the first Christians did and how it went from a handful of believers in Jerusalem to a movement being declared to some of the highest officials in Rome and still being declared today. Turn in your Bibles to Acts 1 and we can pick up the historical account of what happened with Jesus and those who followed him in the days after he rose from the dead.