Debating God's Provision

Aug 31, 2014    Pastor Sam Parsons

Friends there may be some of you who are sitting in this worship center or in the venues that are in the same predicament of Israel. You have been beaten, crushed, by the waves of life. Addiction and past habits tossed and turned you and this whole time you've been pulled by the current of this culture and have been spit out onto the shore, and you have just come to the realization that you are yards away from God. There are probably others of you who have been walking closely with God for years, but you too have been caught in the undertow of addiction, depression, anxiety, discouragement and have just been drifting farther and farther away from God and have been thrown up onto the shore just fatigued and tired and your ready to return to God. The million-dollar question is how? That's exactly what the nation of Israel asks in verse 7.