Debating God's Love
Have you ever found yourself debating with God? Questioning him? I know many of you have lost loved ones, even recently. Often times the grieving process is made up of us questioning God looking for answers. Some of you are currently going through rough times as I speak, you have just been diagnosed with cancer, or are jobless after years and years of applying for different positions. Have you ever found yourself debating God?
Why? Seriously... why debate with God? Is that even Godly? or Christian of us? What's the point of debating? Being on the sac state debate team for a year I think I can answer this question. We debate with the purpose of growing... the purpose of learning, the purpose of understanding. That is why I argued with God in response to my friend's death. I wanted to know how his death fit within the character of God. I wanted God to reveal himself to me in this tragedy. I wanted God to meet me where I was at and He did. I believe God wants us to debate with him, because I believe He uses that environment to reveal Himself to us. How do I know this? Malachi!