Real Relationships
This week I want to talk about the gift of Real Relationship.
One of the most fascinating passages that speaks to this is found in 1 John 1:1-4. Turn there with me in your Bibles. The same John who wrote the Gospel of John wrote this letter of 1 John with the intention that it be circulated to believers wherever they were gathering at the time. At the time of this letter-approximately 50-60 years after Jesus-there were already some confusing and misleading things being spread around about who and what Jesus really was. John wrote this letter to clarify that confusion and to let his readers know that Jesus was the real deal and he came to offer us real relationship. It has been said,"John wrote his Gospel to prove the deity of our Lord, assuming His humanity, whereas he wrote his first epistle {letter} to prove His humanity, assuming His deity."
And to make his point, he starts out his letter basically declaring he was part of an exhaustive, three-year personal investigation that was conducted regarding the Jesus born at Christmas.