The Best Resolution to Conflict (Part 2)
Last week we witnessed the conflict that this couple got into. It was rooted within the selfish wants of each party. The man wanted to be intimate with his wife and the wife wanted to go to sleep. What we learned right from the get go is that this man did not react in kind to his wife's response. Instead of arguing back or forcing himself into the bedroom he acted out of respect by non-verbally communicating his loving pursuit for her by sticking his hand through the keyhole. He then acted unselfishly and respected her desire to sleep. This man's immediate response to this conflict led to the response of the woman, which was fueled by a heart of repentance. Instead of selfishly going back to sleep she turned (repents) and pursued this man to seek resolution. In her pursuit she persevered through hard times, humbled herself by asking for help and began admiring him to others. This brings us into chapter 6 where we see the reunion of this couple.
Lets now see how this man responds. (Read v.1-2)