Embracing God's Call & Resources
As we continue into this new year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and looking forward to the future. We set resolutions, make plans, and hope for positive changes in our lives. But what if this year, we approached our growth and transformation from a different perspective – one rooted in God's unchanging love and abundant provision?
The ancient city of Corinth provides a fascinating backdrop for exploring this idea. Located in southern Greece, Corinth was a bustling hub of commerce and culture. However, it was also notorious for its moral depravity. The very name "Corinth" became synonymous with drunkenness and debauchery. In many ways, Corinth mirrors our modern world – a place of great innovation and opportunity, but also rife with temptation and ethical decay.
Yet it was in this unlikely setting that a community of new believers emerged, learning to follow Jesus amidst a culture pulling them in the opposite direction. Their story, captured in the biblical book of 1 Corinthians, offers profound insights for us today as we navigate our own cultural challenges.
The apostle Paul, writing to these Corinthian Christians, begins with a powerful reminder: God calls us out of an ungodly life to love and serve Him. This calling isn't about restricting our enjoyment or imposing arbitrary rules. Rather, it's an invitation to thrive as we were designed to live. God sets us apart as holy – not because we've achieved perfection, but because He has declared us righteous through Christ.
This truth is critical for us to grasp. Our culture, like ancient Corinth, is on a steady drift towards moral and ethical decay. Left to our own devices, we naturally tend towards disorder and destruction. But as believers, we have another option. We've been called out of that destructive pattern and set apart for something far better.
Here's the incredible part: When God calls us, He also equips us. Paul emphasizes that in Christ, we have been "enriched in every way" (1 Corinthians 1:5). We lack no spiritual gift. Everything we need to fulfill God's purpose for our lives has already been provided. This isn't a "batteries not included" scenario – God's call comes complete with all the necessary resources.
Consider this encouraging promise: "He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 1:8). Despite our struggles and setbacks, Jesus Himself is actively working to keep us strong in our faith. When we stumble, He doesn't abandon us. Instead, He says, "Get up. Shake it off. Try again."
This mirrors the heart of a loving parent watching a child learn to walk. There's no scolding or shaming when the child falls. Instead, there's encouragement, cheering, and patient support. Even when the child faces more significant challenges later in life, that parental love remains constant.
Our Heavenly Father's love for us is infinitely more steadfast. Nothing can change our status as His children. His faithfulness will guard us, and all the blessings and resources given to us in our relationship with Jesus are ours to grow into.
However, this assurance doesn't mean we can be passive in our spiritual growth. Just as a child instinctively keeps trying to walk despite falls and scrapes, we must persist in our journey with God. We have to stay engaged, no matter how discouraging it might seem at times. We have everything we need to learn to walk well with Christ, and God will never give up on us.
As we continue on this new year, let's remember these vital truths:
1. God has called us out of destructive cultural patterns to love and serve Him.
2. He has provided everything we need to fulfill that calling.
3. Jesus Himself is actively working to keep us strong in our faith.
4. God's love and commitment to us never wavers, even when we stumble.
5. We must stay engaged in the growth process, trusting God's resources and faithfulness.
Perhaps there's a specific area of your life where you sense God wanting to bring freedom and change this year. It might be a long-standing struggle, a hurt, a habit, or a hang-up. Take a moment to have an honest conversation with God about it. Thank Him for calling you to follow Him. Ask for discernment to see where He's leading you and for the courage to follow. Express your willingness to cooperate with His work in your life, and ask Him to fill you with His Spirit to empower your transformation.
Remember, "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6). God guards as you grow. He's at work in you, and He will never, ever give up.
As we continue into this new year, let's do so with confidence in God's resources and faithfulness. Keep going. Keep seeking. Keep following. Keep loving. Your journey of growth and transformation is not a solo effort – it's a beautiful partnership with a God who is committed to seeing you thrive.
The ancient city of Corinth provides a fascinating backdrop for exploring this idea. Located in southern Greece, Corinth was a bustling hub of commerce and culture. However, it was also notorious for its moral depravity. The very name "Corinth" became synonymous with drunkenness and debauchery. In many ways, Corinth mirrors our modern world – a place of great innovation and opportunity, but also rife with temptation and ethical decay.
Yet it was in this unlikely setting that a community of new believers emerged, learning to follow Jesus amidst a culture pulling them in the opposite direction. Their story, captured in the biblical book of 1 Corinthians, offers profound insights for us today as we navigate our own cultural challenges.
The apostle Paul, writing to these Corinthian Christians, begins with a powerful reminder: God calls us out of an ungodly life to love and serve Him. This calling isn't about restricting our enjoyment or imposing arbitrary rules. Rather, it's an invitation to thrive as we were designed to live. God sets us apart as holy – not because we've achieved perfection, but because He has declared us righteous through Christ.
This truth is critical for us to grasp. Our culture, like ancient Corinth, is on a steady drift towards moral and ethical decay. Left to our own devices, we naturally tend towards disorder and destruction. But as believers, we have another option. We've been called out of that destructive pattern and set apart for something far better.
Here's the incredible part: When God calls us, He also equips us. Paul emphasizes that in Christ, we have been "enriched in every way" (1 Corinthians 1:5). We lack no spiritual gift. Everything we need to fulfill God's purpose for our lives has already been provided. This isn't a "batteries not included" scenario – God's call comes complete with all the necessary resources.
Consider this encouraging promise: "He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 1:8). Despite our struggles and setbacks, Jesus Himself is actively working to keep us strong in our faith. When we stumble, He doesn't abandon us. Instead, He says, "Get up. Shake it off. Try again."
This mirrors the heart of a loving parent watching a child learn to walk. There's no scolding or shaming when the child falls. Instead, there's encouragement, cheering, and patient support. Even when the child faces more significant challenges later in life, that parental love remains constant.
Our Heavenly Father's love for us is infinitely more steadfast. Nothing can change our status as His children. His faithfulness will guard us, and all the blessings and resources given to us in our relationship with Jesus are ours to grow into.
However, this assurance doesn't mean we can be passive in our spiritual growth. Just as a child instinctively keeps trying to walk despite falls and scrapes, we must persist in our journey with God. We have to stay engaged, no matter how discouraging it might seem at times. We have everything we need to learn to walk well with Christ, and God will never give up on us.
As we continue on this new year, let's remember these vital truths:
1. God has called us out of destructive cultural patterns to love and serve Him.
2. He has provided everything we need to fulfill that calling.
3. Jesus Himself is actively working to keep us strong in our faith.
4. God's love and commitment to us never wavers, even when we stumble.
5. We must stay engaged in the growth process, trusting God's resources and faithfulness.
Perhaps there's a specific area of your life where you sense God wanting to bring freedom and change this year. It might be a long-standing struggle, a hurt, a habit, or a hang-up. Take a moment to have an honest conversation with God about it. Thank Him for calling you to follow Him. Ask for discernment to see where He's leading you and for the courage to follow. Express your willingness to cooperate with His work in your life, and ask Him to fill you with His Spirit to empower your transformation.
Remember, "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6). God guards as you grow. He's at work in you, and He will never, ever give up.
As we continue into this new year, let's do so with confidence in God's resources and faithfulness. Keep going. Keep seeking. Keep following. Keep loving. Your journey of growth and transformation is not a solo effort – it's a beautiful partnership with a God who is committed to seeing you thrive.
This blog was generated with the help of AI, and is based off of Pastor Brian's January 5, 2025 Sermon: God Guards as We Grow.
Posted in General
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