A Christ Centered Life

May 4, 2014    Pastor Sam Parsons

Today, we are continuing on in a series that we started on Easter titled "Christ Centered Freedom." In this series we are breaking down Paul's letter to the new Christian Church in the City of Colossae. As we discussed last week the city of Colossae was a lot like that of the United States. It consisted of a melting pot of worldviews and religions. The church was surrounded by a bunch of Greek cults that worshiped little gods; gods of the cosmos and the elements. There was also a huge Jewish population within this city.

Paul got word that the church in Colossae was being impacted by these religions that were surrounding the church. So Paul writes them a letter to encourage the church to stay the course in their growth of becoming more like Christ and to not get distracted by those rituals, practices and religions around them.