Understanding and Responding Part 3

Oct 27, 2013    Drew Berryessa

Drew first came to The Portland Fellowship in 1999 seeking freedom in his struggle with unwanted homosexual feelings. After completing the Taking Back Ground series, Drew felt a desire to minister to those who were struggling as he had. Drew enrolled in and completed Portland Fellowship's Upper Room Internship in 2002 and has enjoyed many opportunities to share the healing work that God has done since. On January 9, 2004, Drew was married to Suzanne, who has been a tremendous support to Drew in his work here at Portland Fellowship. Drew and Suzanne have two beautiful daughters. Drew has made appearances on local and national Christian and secular television programs such as The Sally Show, TBN's Praise the Lord Northwest and Local Town Hall. Drew also has had the opportunity to speak to churches and youth group on the topic of overcoming homosexuality and taught a Student Ministries Workshop with fellow intern Katie Wood at Multnomah Bible College.

On October 27th Drew finished out our Understanding and Responding Series be sure to watch it or checkout the podcast.