Jesus, My Savior

Nov 9, 2014    Pastor Phil Christiansen

I have been part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance from that first Sunday at church with my buddy right up to now. It's been a no-brainer for me because the Alliance is anchored in Jesus and an unswerving belief that everything we need is found in the provision of Christ.

A.B. Simpson, the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, used the phrase "Fourfold Gospel" to describe who Christ must be in the life of every believer if we are to experience the fullness of life Jesus wants us to have. As you would expect, the Fourfold Gospel has four parts, all focused on Jesus, and they are: Christ our Savior, Christ our Sanctifier, Christ our Healer, and Christ our Coming King. Over the next several weeks I want to dig into each of these with you and explore more fully what it means to have Christ not simply in your life, but as your life; to talk about Jesus not only as your Savior, but as your everything.