The Called

Nov 10, 2013    Pastor Sam Parsons

As I mentioned last week it was very common for the disciple to train hard in order to study under a particular rabbi. A rabbi was a teacher of God's word and they would teach to a group of students that were called Talmidim which means disciple or student. But to become part of a Rabbi's talmidim was a difficult and strenuous process. The reason being is that the talmidim reflected the greatness of the Rabbi. As a result Rabbi's would not let anyone becoming a part of their talmidim so they would have a pretty extensive process that a prospective talmid would have to go through. One author wrote this about a talmid, "They would have to exhibit an impressive knowledge of scripture, and a rabbi would quiz them by having them recite an entire book. Sometimes a Rabbi would ask a question like 'what is the number of times the name of the Lord was used in the eleventh chapter of Leviticus?'" The more challenging the interview the better and more knowledgeable the talmidim was, which as a result meant the more respected and admired the Rabbi.

However Jesus wasn't like all other Rabbi's. Not only did he initiate with the invitation to follow him. But the types of individual he gave the invitation to is even more astonishing? Lets look at Matthew chapter 4:18-22 to see who he invites to follow him.