Favorite Ornament: Creatives
"What is your favorite Christmas ornament and why?"
Andrew's Answer:
My favorite ornament is a Pikachu I got the Christmas of 2000! I was in Junior High and Pokemon was brand new and all the rage and I was super into it and collected the cards, played the video games, watched the shows, etc… I’m a closet nerd and this ornament is a friend reminder. Now 36 years old I still play the video games and this ornament is always the first one to go on the tree.
Andrew's Answer:
My favorite ornament is a Pikachu I got the Christmas of 2000! I was in Junior High and Pokemon was brand new and all the rage and I was super into it and collected the cards, played the video games, watched the shows, etc… I’m a closet nerd and this ornament is a friend reminder. Now 36 years old I still play the video games and this ornament is always the first one to go on the tree.

Kaley's Answer: I have a favorite from childhood, and a favorite this year.
1. Favorite from Childhood
Growing up, we would decorate ornaments as a family on Thanksgiving. We’d paint, draw, put things inside the ornament, whatever we could think of! It was a fun, creative family activity that I looked forward to every year. Now, as I see those ornaments, I remember those fond memories as a family. I cherish it, and plan to continue the tradition with my children someday.

2. Favorite This Year
My favorite this year is a story of God’s graciousness and faithfulness. My husband and I were trying for a baby for nearly two years. We’d done all the tests, and nothing was wrong. We didn’t understand God’s timing, but we continued to trust in Him. We finally got pregnant earlier this year only to miscarry 9.5 weeks later. We were devastated and heartbroken, but we clung to our Lord in whom we trust completely. He provided comfort, peace, and hope in volumes beyond understanding and clearly divine. We are thankful our little one is with Him in heaven and that one day, we will meet that little one in heaven…. how gracious is that. The ornament was given to me by a friend, and I hold it close to my heart. We know God will bless us with the family we deeply desire. We eagerly anticipate what he has in store for us. He is faithful.
I share this with hopes of being an encouragement to anyone that may be struggling with fertility this Christmas. If you are, I am so sorry. I know it can be particularly difficult during the holidays when all your heart wants is a little one to hold. When your heart hurts, cry out to Him. Hang onto His hand tightly, and don't let go. His presence is hope and peace. Trust His timing even when it doesn’t make sense. He loves you.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” -Romans 8:28
Stay close to Jesus. And know that you are not alone.
I share this with hopes of being an encouragement to anyone that may be struggling with fertility this Christmas. If you are, I am so sorry. I know it can be particularly difficult during the holidays when all your heart wants is a little one to hold. When your heart hurts, cry out to Him. Hang onto His hand tightly, and don't let go. His presence is hope and peace. Trust His timing even when it doesn’t make sense. He loves you.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” -Romans 8:28
Stay close to Jesus. And know that you are not alone.

Posted in Christmas Ornament Series
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