Who Do You Think You Are?

In a world that often encourages us to indulge our every desire, it's easy to lose sight of who we truly are and what our purpose is. But have you ever stopped to consider the profound question: Who do you believe yourself to be? This isn't just a philosophical musing – it's a question that shapes everything about how we live our lives.

If we believe we're just another person navigating life on our own, we tend to live in an egocentric, self-centered way. However, if we embrace the truth of who we are in Christ, it changes everything. Our identity in Jesus should radically alter how we view ourselves and how we live.

The ancient city of Corinth was notorious for its indulgence and immorality. It was a place where anything goes – like Las Vegas and Hollywood rolled into one. In this context, the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian believers, addressing their distorted thinking about freedom in Christ.

Some were using the slogan "All things are lawful for me" to justify their actions. They thought that since they were under grace, not law, they could do whatever they wanted. But Paul challenges this mindset, shifting the conversation from "Can I do this?" to "Should I do this?"

He reminds us that just because something is permissible doesn't mean it's beneficial. The real question isn't "What am I allowed to do?" but rather "Is this helping me become more like Jesus?" We need to ask ourselves: What things in our lives, though technically allowed, are slowly taking control? What habits or relationships are we keeping around because they seem harmless, but are actually beginning to master us?

Paul goes on to confront the Corinthians' dualistic thinking – the idea that the body is evil and separate from the spirit, so what we do physically doesn't matter spiritually. He utterly rejects this notion, declaring that our bodies are meant for the Lord, and the Lord for our bodies.

This truth is underscored by the reality of resurrection. Jesus wasn't raised as some disembodied spirit – He had a physical, glorified body. And we too are promised bodily resurrection. Our bodies aren't disposable vessels for temporary pleasure; they have an eternal purpose.

Do we live like our bodies have eternal significance? Or do we treat them as throwaway objects for indulgence and self-expression? The way we care for and use our bodies should reflect the knowledge that God plans to redeem and glorify them.

Paul then drops a bombshell: "Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ?" This means that everywhere we go, we bring Jesus with us. Everything we do, we do as part of Him. When we sin with our bodies, we're dragging Christ into it. This should give us serious pause. Are we using our hands, mouths, and minds in ways that honor Jesus? Or are we uniting ourselves to things that have no business being connected to Him?

The apostle goes on to explain that sexual immorality is uniquely destructive because it's a sin against the oneness God designed. Sex isn't just a biological act or a way to have fun – it's sacred, involving two becoming one flesh. In contrast, when we belong to Jesus, we become one spirit with Him. Every time we choose to walk in purity, we strengthen our union with Christ.

Given these truths, Paul's command is clear: "Flee from sexual immorality." He doesn't say fight it or resist it – he says run! There are some temptations we simply cannot face head-on. Like encountering a hornet's nest, the only appropriate response is to flee as fast as we can. This principle applies not just to sexual sin, but to anything that defiles us as God's temple.

And that brings us to Paul's powerful conclusion: "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

In the Old Testament, only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies – the most sacred place where God's presence dwelt. And even then, it required extensive purification. Now, Paul is saying that we ourselves are the Holy of Holies! The Spirit of God lives within us. How can we drag our sin, distractions, and indulgences into such a holy place?

We don't belong to ourselves anymore. We were purchased at the highest possible cost – the blood of Jesus Christ. He gave everything to buy us back from sin and death. In light of this incredible truth, how can we do anything less than glorify God with our entire being?

As we reflect on these weighty realities, we must ask ourselves some challenging questions:

  1. What areas of my life need purification?
  2. Is the "Holy of Holies" within me filled with prayer, worship, and holiness? Or is it cluttered with compromise and impurity?
  3. What needs to be removed from the temple of my body and soul?
  4. Am I living in a way that reflects my true identity in Christ?

The good news is that we don't have to rely on our own strength to live this way. It's only by God's power that we can glorify Him with our bodies. As we surrender ourselves fully to Him, His Spirit works within us, revealing areas that need transformation and empowering us to live in holiness.

Let's commit ourselves afresh to being living temples of the Holy Spirit. May we care far more about our godliness than conforming to the world around us. As we do, we'll discover the joy and freedom that comes from living out our true identity in Christ.
This blog was generated with the help of AI, and is based off of Pastor Doug's March 9, 2025 Sermon: Holy of Holies.
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