5-Day Devo (Based on 3.30.25 Sermon)

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on the March 30, 2025 Sermon.

Day 1: Love Over Knowledge

Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:1-3

Devotional: Paul reminds us that "knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." In our pursuit of spiritual growth, it's easy to become consumed with acquiring knowledge about God, the Bible, and theology. While understanding is important, Paul emphasizes that love should be our primary focus.

Reflect on how you've been balancing knowledge and love in your faith journey. Have you ever found yourself prideful about your biblical knowledge? How can you shift your focus to loving God and others more deeply? Remember, it's not about how much you know, but about who you know and who knows you. Ask God to help you prioritize love in your relationships and spiritual practices today.

Day 2: Freedom and Responsibility

Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:4-13

Devotional: Paul addresses the complex issue of Christian freedom and responsibility. While we have freedom in Christ, we're called to consider how our actions might affect others, especially those whose faith might be more vulnerable.

Consider an area of freedom in your life – perhaps in your entertainment choices, social habits, or use of resources. How might exercising this freedom impact others around you, particularly newer or struggling believers? Pray for wisdom to discern when to exercise your freedom and when to limit it out of love for others. Ask God to help you see beyond your own desires to the needs of those around you.

Day 3: Unity in Christ

Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6

Devotional: Paul's teaching on idols and false gods ultimately points to the unity we have in Christ. There is one God, one Lord, and we are all part of one body in Christ.

Reflect on the unity of the church. How do you see this unity expressed in your local congregation? Are there ways you've allowed minor differences to create division? Ask God to help you see fellow believers through His eyes, focusing on what unites us rather than what divides us. Consider how you can actively promote unity in your church community this week.

Day 4: Loving Your Neighbor

Reading: Romans 14:13-23

Devotional: Paul's concern for not causing others to stumble is echoed in his letter to the Romans. Our actions, even when not inherently sinful, can have profound impacts on others' faith journeys.

Think about your sphere of influence – your family, friends, coworkers, or fellow church members. Are there ways your behavior might be negatively impacting someone else's faith? Ask God to give you sensitivity to the spiritual needs of those around you. Pray for the courage to make changes in your life if necessary, not out of legalism, but out of love for your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Day 5: Growing in Spiritual Maturity

Reading: Hebrews 5:12-14

Devotional: The sermon touched on the need for spiritual growth and maturity. The author of Hebrews uses the analogy of moving from milk to solid food to describe this process.

Reflect on your own spiritual journey. Where have you seen growth? Where do you still need to mature? Remember that growth often comes through challenges and difficult choices. Ask God to reveal areas where you need to grow and to provide opportunities for that growth. Commit to taking one practical step towards greater spiritual maturity today, whether that's deepening your prayer life, studying a challenging passage of Scripture, or addressing a persistent sin in your life.
This 5-Day Devotional was generated with the help of AI, and is based off of Pastor Dillon's March 30, 2025 Sermon: Love is Greater than Knowledge.
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