Favorite Bible Story: Millie
Written by Kaley Morgan
Part of our Favorite Bible Story: Kids blog series. We've asked some kids in our Foothills Kids ministry to draw a picture representing one of their favorite Bible stories and to state why it is their favorite in their own words. Why are we doing this blog series? (1) we can all learn a lot from the beautiful simplicity of child-like faith and perspective. (2) It gives our kids another chance to serve in our church.
"At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, 'Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.'" —Matthew 18:1-4
Jesus is underscoring that humble spirit and servanthood, and the simple faith and trust that is in the heart of a child. Let's learn from the children of God.
Part of our Favorite Bible Story: Kids blog series. We've asked some kids in our Foothills Kids ministry to draw a picture representing one of their favorite Bible stories and to state why it is their favorite in their own words. Why are we doing this blog series? (1) we can all learn a lot from the beautiful simplicity of child-like faith and perspective. (2) It gives our kids another chance to serve in our church.
"At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, 'Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.'" —Matthew 18:1-4
Jesus is underscoring that humble spirit and servanthood, and the simple faith and trust that is in the heart of a child. Let's learn from the children of God.
This submission is from Millie, age 8.

Millie's favorite Bible story is of the spies entering Jericho. Her why in her words? "Because Rahab had the scarlet rope & the scarlet rope saved her family and the spies."
This is the story in Joshua chapter 2 and chapter 6. I encourage you to pause and go read it if it's been awhile. It certainly is a great story.
I want to look at two parts to what Millie said about the story of Rahab.
This is the story in Joshua chapter 2 and chapter 6. I encourage you to pause and go read it if it's been awhile. It certainly is a great story.
I want to look at two parts to what Millie said about the story of Rahab.
1. "Rahab had the scarlet rope & the scarlet rope saved..."
The scarlet rope on the window was used as a marker so that the Israelite troops would know not to harm anyone inside the house with the scarlet rope when they invade Jericho. The scarlet rope is the symbol of Rahab and her family being saved.
The significance of this is the reason behind why she was spared. The surface level of this is because she protected the spies that Joshua sent into Jericho. The deeper reason is why she protected the spies. She knew God. We learn in Joshua 2:9-11 that she had heard all that the Lord had done for the Israelites, that the Lord had given the land of Jericho to the Israelites, and she believed that "the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on earth below" (Joshua 2:11b). What a beautiful statement of faith. This was true faith that was demonstrated by her obedience to protect these Israelite spies. Rahab's faith even landed her in Hebrews 11, known as the "Hall of Faith" chapter, "By faith Rahab the prostitute welcomed the spies in peace and didn't perish with those who disobeyed" (Hebrews 11:31). Rahab had faith and obeyed God. James also uses Rahab as an example of faith that is real, "In the same way, wasn't Rahab the prostitute also justified by works in receiving the messengers and sending them out by a different route? For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead" (James 2:25-26). To be clear, James isn't saying that works combined with faith is what saves us. He is saying that works demonstrate that our faith is real. Rahab's faith is what saved her. The scarlet rope represents Rahab's faith in God. Rahab had faith and that faith saved...
The significance of this is the reason behind why she was spared. The surface level of this is because she protected the spies that Joshua sent into Jericho. The deeper reason is why she protected the spies. She knew God. We learn in Joshua 2:9-11 that she had heard all that the Lord had done for the Israelites, that the Lord had given the land of Jericho to the Israelites, and she believed that "the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on earth below" (Joshua 2:11b). What a beautiful statement of faith. This was true faith that was demonstrated by her obedience to protect these Israelite spies. Rahab's faith even landed her in Hebrews 11, known as the "Hall of Faith" chapter, "By faith Rahab the prostitute welcomed the spies in peace and didn't perish with those who disobeyed" (Hebrews 11:31). Rahab had faith and obeyed God. James also uses Rahab as an example of faith that is real, "In the same way, wasn't Rahab the prostitute also justified by works in receiving the messengers and sending them out by a different route? For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead" (James 2:25-26). To be clear, James isn't saying that works combined with faith is what saves us. He is saying that works demonstrate that our faith is real. Rahab's faith is what saved her. The scarlet rope represents Rahab's faith in God. Rahab had faith and that faith saved...
2. "...saved her family and the spies."
God works in multiple ways and is astoundingly detailed. Joshua may have sent the spies as a basic military move, and that was part of God's plan to give Jericho to the Israelites, but there was more at work. God saw Rahab's faith and had plans to protect her and her family. The spies just happened to arrive at Rahab's house? I don't think so. God planned it to protect the lives of the spies and of Rahab and her family, and He did it through the obedient. Joshua was obedient and sent spies. The spies were obedient and arrived at Rahab's house. Rahab was obedient and let them in and protected them. As a result, the lives of the obedient were saved.
There was even more at work. Check out the genealogy in Matthew 1. Rahab is the mother of Boaz (the Boaz that marries Ruth), grandma to Obed, great grandma to Jesse, and therefore the great great grandma to King David! And best of all, this is part of the genealogy of Jesus. Rahab didn't know her great-great-great-however-many-greats-there-need-to-be grandson would be Jesus. But her obedience was paving the way.
The story of Rahab is a beautiful story showing how God can accomplish mighty works in detailed ways through the faithful and obedient. Even when we can't see it or don't understand it or maybe never will in our lifetime, God is working out more details than we can ever imagine. So let us be faithful and obedient, allowing God to accomplish His mighty works through us.
There was even more at work. Check out the genealogy in Matthew 1. Rahab is the mother of Boaz (the Boaz that marries Ruth), grandma to Obed, great grandma to Jesse, and therefore the great great grandma to King David! And best of all, this is part of the genealogy of Jesus. Rahab didn't know her great-great-great-however-many-greats-there-need-to-be grandson would be Jesus. But her obedience was paving the way.
The story of Rahab is a beautiful story showing how God can accomplish mighty works in detailed ways through the faithful and obedient. Even when we can't see it or don't understand it or maybe never will in our lifetime, God is working out more details than we can ever imagine. So let us be faithful and obedient, allowing God to accomplish His mighty works through us.
Thank you, Millie, for your participation in this blog series and for reminding us of the beauty in the story of Rahab.
1 Comment
The story of Rahab is such a wonderful reminder that anyone can be saved by faith. The scarlet thread can also be a foreshadowing of the blood of Jesus and how he saves us. Thanks Millie. Great picture and a fantastic bible truth.